
The Enabling Provision Inclusion of Section 38A in the Copyrights Act brought with it the Right of performers to receive…

Technology today has brought the world at our finger tips. Video making and sharing has never been as easy as…

Food is a craze without which we humans cannot visualize existence. Not only consumption but also gaping is a bare…

Intellectual Property Rights An intellectual property rights strategy is an effective instrument that can facilitate a successful business. Intellectual Property…

Meet Mr. Naruto, the grinning crested black macaque from Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is a selfie fanatic. I am sure you…

Copyright Vs. Trademarks Vs. Patents The protection of Intellectual property often goes unnoticed by business owners. Very few business or…

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Infringements Intellectual property infringement is basically using someone else’s Intellectual property without the consent of the…

Copyright is governed under the Copyrights Act, 1957. What is copyright? It gives a monopoly right to the author of…

The Indian Copyright Act, by virtue of Section 13, grants protection to the following works: 1.  Original literary, dramatic, musical,…

Copyright is the right which a person acquires in a work, which is the result of his intellectual labor. It…

Copyright, one of the forms of intellectual property law, offers exclusive rights for protecting the authorship of original & creative…

Copyright protects the right of the creator of his actual work to specifically copy or reproduce or publish the work…

Trademark Vs Copyright Most business owners are unaware of the most valuable asset of their business. It is their brand name…

Spoof: a humorous imitation of something, typically a film or a particular genre of film, in which its characteristic features…

In the year 1957, the Government of India commissioned a certain Mr. Sehgal to create a bronze mural for the…

Music and Copyright: “At his best, man is the noblest in creation; separated from law and justice, he is the…