
  An invention becomes patentable when it is novel, has an inventive step or is non-obvious. In order to determine…

  A patent specification is a disclosure to the public at large regarding the invention as well as the scope…

A trademark is a distinctive symbol, logo, name or word that identifies a firm or line of business. It is…

The year 2022 has been an extremely important year for the development of trademark jurisprudence in India. There have been…

Free logo maker online: A logo is an essential component of a company’s brand identity. The first thing that comes…

Introduction Patents are rights that can be enforced by the law and grant the owner the absolute right to use…

Trademark Classification When you file for a trademark in India, an indispensable requirement is finding out the trademark classification of…

About Intepat: Intepat® is the most intellectual property consulting firm that provides a broad range of customized services in Intellectual…

In today’s fast-paced business world, securing your brand’s identity through trademark registration in India is not just a legal formality…

Intellectual property is a type of property formed by a person’s various ideas or intellect. In other words, it results…

Critical Examination Of the ‘Confusion’ Term Before registering a trademark, we first must understand what can be registered as a…

What is a trademark? A trademark is a sign, symbol, or word that distinguishes one enterprise’s goods or services from…

Patentable requirements To be granted a patent, an invention by the applicant must be novel, non-obvious, and such that it…

World Intellectual Property Report 2022 Necessity has been called the mother of all inventions, and the most recent example was…

Intellectual property rights (IPR) offer protection and grant exclusive rights to the creator’s work. Copyrights are a form of IPR…

When you innovate something, your main goal is to either spread the word, obtain profit or sell the product without…