International Patents

EPO recently released the Patent Index 2019, which provides a comprehensive overview of the figures representing recent activity in the…

WIPO Translate is an AI-powered, instant patent translation tool developed by WIPO for more than 12 languages pairs. WIPO Translate…

The European Patent Office’s (EPO) online platform offers a wide range of online learning material and courses for four broad…

Since the signing of the pilot Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) program agreement between Japan and India in late 2018, Applicants…

Patentscope: Patentscope is a database managed by WIPO which allows users to search the patent applications, including all published PCT…

Introduction – Espacenet Patent Search: The main activity of the European Patent Office (EPO) is to examine and grant patent…

USPTO The United States Patent and Trademark Office is the federal agency for granting US patents and registering trademarks. By…

PAIR stands for Patent Application Information Retrieval. The PAIR system provides the applicants and inventors, a safe and secure way…

What can be patented is a question that inventors often ask. It is always better to have a heads-up on…

Post-Dating in India: The meaning and merits and demerits of a provisional application have been explained in the previous blog…